10.5m2+ antique French carreaux de ciments damier floor
French carreaux de ciments tiles in a dove grey and lemon
20cm square tiles, 20mm thick, weighing 1.7kg each, offering a classical chessboard lay
Reclaimed from the kitchen of a farmhouse in Busieres, Yonne, Burgundy
The farmhouse is c.170 years old but we believe the tiles date c.1930 - 1950
The tiles have been professionally cleaned and arrive ready to relay. Being a cured rather than a fired tile they are only suitable for internal use and should be sealed* once laid
Pleasing patina; some tiles dispaying groutable edge nibbles and small chips and others surface crackling, formed when the tile cured
The photographs below were taken outside in good light and show 1m2 of the floor
130 yellow tiles (5.2m2 / 56 sq ft) and 155 grey tiles (6.2m2 / 67 sq ft) plus free reject tiles supplied for off-cuts
Total surface - 11.4m2 / 123 sq ft. to be sold as 10.5m2
* Sealants are low cost, clear and easy to apply (they are painted on once the tiles have been laid), providing protection against staining and make cleaning easier.